I pretty much just do one thing. It’s this:
Tell important stories with people I love.
Mostly that means writing. Frequently it means composing. Sometimes it means building props on the floor of the living room or recording podcasts at the kitchen table. And sometimes-sometimes it means pretending I can act.
Life is a silly ride full of sleepless nights and hot glue guns, ain’t it?
Here’s the number one thing you should know right now (and probably the reason you’re here…)
This is JINKIES! It’s the next big thing we’re working on for CincyFringe. It’s a sequel to our 2019 Fringe show ZOINKS! and asks important questions like:
What if the Hardy Boys wanted to burn this shit down?
The ZOINKS! trilogy (Yeah… we’re working on it) follows Teen-Sleuth, Girl-Detective Nolan Blackwell and her dog Casper as they attempt to solve supernatural happenings in the town of Mars Majestic against a backdrop of the opioid epidemic. Also there are jokes.
*update: Here’s a recording of one of our performances, if that sort of thing interests you…
Now back to the intro!
I make most of my stuff with Director Bridget Leak. She’s my Best Friend / Copilot / Wife.
She has a website.
And here’s a picture of us looking cute as heck.
I should be looking at the camera, but I’m terrible at being a Millennial and selfies are hard.
We make mischief and theater in Cincinnati. We have two dogs. Their names are Pocket and Lint. Bridget named them (she’s amazing).
Here, have a dog photo.
Yes, they match intentionally. No, they’re not related.
We also have a son, and yo! - it’s nuts how awesome this kid is.
We make most things as our theater company, Queen City Flash.
It too has a website (most things have a website).
If the above wasn’t exhaustive enough, here’s some more about me.
I was raised on the Alabama Gulf Coast. For a time I ran a non-profit theater in New York City. I now call Ohio home. I like telling weird stories about upbeat underdogs and the beautifully-magical, often dangerous world we are all cosmically-linked to.
Still want more?
Here’s 10 photos for your eyeballs about the theater (and podcasts) I like to make.
And here’s 10 photos for your earballs about the music I like to write.
Here are some kind words people have said about me.
And here’s a photo of me.
I don’t like photos of myself, generally, but Mikki Shaffner took this one and she’s amazing and I like it.
Lint’s scared of loud noises, that’s where that look comes from.